In this one day course we will forge a billet of pattern welded steel, often called "damascus" steel.
This steel will be made from a combination of two steels (1084 and 15N20), both highly used in knifemaking for their compatability with each other, and ability to forge and, once hardened, hold an extremely keen edge. These steels, once forged and etched, give a great contrast which catch the eye, no matter what products are forged from the steel.
Participants will be taught the method of forge welding these steels together, drawing out, restacking, twisting, and forging into shape over the course of a day, using a combination of ancient bladesmithing knowledge, and modern tooling and methods.
This course is suitable for beginners, and no specialist skills or prior knowledge is required. The class will guide you through:
- Forge safety
- Using a gas forge & hydraulic press
- Selection of materials, contrasts, cutting, grinding and stacking
- Forge Welding
- Drawing out, shaping, and twisting to form a unique pattern
- Finshing, grinding, and test etching billets
At the end of the course you will go home with a billet of pattern welded (i.e. damascus) steel, approximately 300mm x 40mm x 5mm in dimension, large enough to make two large kitchen knives, three smaller knives, or suitable for any other similar sized project the participant may have in mind.
Please note, this course is to make a pattern welded steel (i.e. damascus) billet. Participants will not be making any finished products such as kitchen knives, tools, or any other suchlike goods on this day.
Should this course be a gift, you have the option of selecting flexible dates, and having a designed and printed gift voucher sent to you via post, to give to the selected recipient. The recipient can then book on any available slot by contacting us.
Gift vouchers are valid for nine months from date of purchase.
- Introduction, PPE, & Safety Briefing
- Selection of compatible steels, measuring, cutting & cleaning
- Welding the initial billet
- Drawing out the billet using the forge & hydraulic press
- Cutting, grinding & re-stacking billet
- Welding up of second billet
- Drawing out the billet to shape
- Twisting the billet
- Drawing out to final shape and dimensions
- Cutting, finishing & test etching
Timings / Admin
- The day will typically begin at 1000, and run until approximately 1700.
- Safety equipment is provided, but please ensure that you wear non-flammable clothing and sturdy shoes (preferably leather).
- Tea / Coffee / Biscuits will be provided. There are many local shops/cafes nearby for lunch.
- Please note, due to space and safety issues, spectators are not permitted on these courses.